Kami tim SIDI SR&DT mengucapkan selamat kepada mahasiswa yang namanya tercantum dibawah ini karena telah lolos seleksi tahap awal SR&DT. Untuk seleksi tahap akhir, kami mengundang mahasiswa tersebut untuk hadir pada seminar proposal yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari: Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Lokasi: Ruang BG Munaf, Gedung W lt. 2, Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan

Jam: 08.00 - selesai


- Presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris
Presentasi maksimal 10 menit, diskusi 10 menit


"Student Research and Development Team (SR&DT)"


  • 14 April 2014: Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Proposal
  • 28 April 2014: Pembentukan Tim
  • Juni-Juli 2014: Pelatihan, site visit ke Pulau Maratua dan Pulau Poteran
  • Oktober 2014: Presentasi hasil penelitian

Sustainable Island Development Initiatives



1. Guest Lecture

"Entrepreneurship, Project Management, and Sustainable Island Development"

By: Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Norbert Gruenwald and Dr. Michael Heinrichs from Hochschule Wismar, Germany


2. SIDI SR&DT Project Continuation


Dear friends,
The Sustainable Island Development Initiatives (SIDI) Week 2013, 13-18 November 2013, has just been completed. Two and a half days of meetings and two/three days of travel and visit by car, boat and airplane to Poteran and Maratua Islands have increased our understanding what a small island means, what being remote in the middle of nowhere means, what an interaction between a small boat and some one or two meter wave heights mean, what an exotic miracle plant means.


“Sustainable Island Development Initiatives”


Island to be developed

1. Poteran Island: Island in the southeastern madura, rich potential of herbal plants and marine resources.

2. Maratua Island: One of the outer islands of Indonesia, located in Berau eastern, famous for the natural beauty of the ocean and its biodiversity